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Remove Submental Fat: Kybella vs. CoolSculpting

Coolsculpting vs Kybella is two nonsurgical processes used to eliminate unwanted fat under your chin area. Double chin does not always go away no matter the exercise or diet you may decide to take on. The two nonsurgical processes that are, Kybella vs CoolSculpting, will help you with the stubborn fat under your chin.

Kybella vs CoolSculpting is both approved by FDA to treat double-chin. Coolsculpting helps to freeze and kill fat cells, while Kybella is a dissolving injection meant for the stubborn chin. The following article will help you understand both of these treatments, and you will choose the fit for you.

Kybella vs CoolSculpting Treatment Areas

The first thing that you will have to understand about these two treatments is that they are FDA approved, and so they are cleared. Kybella is an injection that consists of deoxycholic acid. This acid is found in your bile and is also supported by the FDA. You can use Kybella injections to treat other areas of your body, such as arms, love handles, knees, and bra rolls. And the treatment is effective. So most people opt for it.

Coolsculpting is also FDA approved, and you can use it to treat eight areas of your body. These areas are;

· The abdomen,  Flanks, Thighs, Bra areas, You back, Upper arms, And the chin

A Good Candidate for Each Treatments

When choosing between Kybella vs CoolSculpting procedures, it will depend on the amount of fat you will need to remove from your chin. The Coolsculpting process is fit for people who are already in good shape.

A good candidate for CoolSculpting is someone who either has excess fat or not enough fat. It is also fit for patients who require several areas to the scalp. The Kybella treatment, on the other side, fits the people who have total fat under their chin. Always, if you can pinch the fat under your fingers, then Kybella treatment is fit for you.

But if you have little or no fat under your chin, most doctors will recommend you to undergo a neck or facelift. This will help to tighten your skin. Also, most doctors prefer Kybella instead of CoolSculpting because it is perfect for the areas with little fats, which CoolSculpting or suction can’t.

How Coolsculpting and Kybella Work

The treatments for the procedures are different. Their application is also other. The Kybella treatment is injected into the affected areas of your body with tiny needles. These injections are the same as those of Botox or a cannula. During the treatment, the doctor will apply a numbing cream to your forehead. Some doctors usually mix the numbing cream with the Kybella itself.

After the Kybella injection, it will then disrupt the fats around it, and your body will then absorb this fat cell. You won’t feel any pain during or after this treatment. The pain that you might think should not be worse than a mosquito bite.

Coolsculpting uses cold temperatures to freeze the fat cells in your body and remove them using suction and cooling plates. During the process, the doctor will put the applicator at the top of the treatment area. He will then cool it down until these cold temperatures become numb. It will only take a few minutes.

After the numbing process, the fat cells under the surface will continue to drop in temperature, bringing them irreversible destruction. During the procedure, you may feel cold, suction, and some minor sensitivity. Next, your doctor will massage the treated area for two minutes. This will help the fat to separate for removal. The massage is quick, but you will feel some pain that is severe than the treatment itself.

Kybella vs. Coolsculpting Downtime

Coolsculpting and Kybella are nonsurgical treatments. So, you will have less downtime with both treatments. In addition, after Kybella treatment, you may feel some redness and numbness in the affected areas of your body.

Kybella patients also experience side effects like tenderness, bruising, temporary numbness, and redness. These complications are less severe and will go away in a few days. When the doctor treats you under your chin, you may also feel some swelling. The swelling is temporary but is a good indication that the treatment is working.

After the Coolsculpting process, your body will start to feel very tender and numb. This is normal, and you should be able to return to work or normal activities immediately. The tenderness will go away in few weeks.

You will see the outcome of the procedure for Kybella in about one month. You can repeat the Kybella injections for better results. Most patients will always require two to three injections for the best outcome. For CoolSculpting, you will see the development early compared to Kybella. The results will show as early as five weeks after the treatment. The effect is usually seen in about twelve weeks. You will also need many sessions for this process.

Kybella vs Coolsculpting Outcome

The doctors say that there are several non-responders to both Kybella and Coolsculpting. For those parts of the body resistant to fat removal, diet and exercises are the priority. They will help to shape your body as you desire. For stubborn areas such as double chin, non-invasive procedures such as Kybella and Coolsculpting will do you good. Unfortunately, most patients decide on this when it is too late already, and then they have spent too much money. Any plastic surgery process depends on your ability to do a continued exercise and diet routine.

The Number of Treatment Required

Kybella and Coolsculpting treatments are not done once. Always note that most people need two to three injections of Kybella for the total outcome. Once those injections have been administered, you will get permanent and natural results. You will also do the same for Coolsculpting. Most patients tend to see the outcome of up to 30 percent reduction with a single Coolsculpting process. If you have too much fat in the treated areas, you will need more than one session to see the best results.

Kybella Vs. Coolsculpting Cost

The cost for both treatments varies depending on some factors. These factors are the size of the treatment, location, goals as a patient, and the doctor performing the procedure. The cost for Coolsculpting treatment usually ranges from $2000 to $4000 depending on the personalized medicine. The Kybella cost starts from $1200 depending on the size of the treatment areas. This then will determine how many vials are needed.

Final Thought

Kybella and Coolsculpting procedures are the best ways to remove excess fat under your chin. However, before you opt for the procedure, make sure to consult the experts to lead to the right option. Most patients go for a procedure with more minor side effects, a quicker recovery period, and the number of sessions needed.

Before any of these processes, you should consider the cost. Coolsculpting is cheaper compared to Kybella. This procedure does not require the use of needles. But, one limitation of Coolsculpting is that it is not as accurate as Kybella. It instead gives more broad strokes when reducing fat.

Both of these procedures are FDA-approved, and you should always consider them. They are the safest methods and have more minor complications. Always make sure to go for the right doctors and best clinics to avoid getting unnecessary complications.


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