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Keep Your Car Clean During Road Trips With These Simple Tips

There is something so freeing about road trips. You get to explore the countryside at your own pace. Indeed the amount of time you spend on the road is up to you. On a whim, you can decide to stop at a specific location for as long as you wish.

Do you know that the coronavirus pandemic has popularized road travel? Up to 80% of Americans say they prefer this mode of transportation. That means a staggering 206 million people will crisscross the roads and borders for whatever reason.

If you have ever taken a road trip, one thing stands out. Confinement in a small space can end up being messy. Think about all the things you had to carry along.

Then there is the use of the same tiny space for everything. That means trash and dirt can pile up pretty quickly. As a conscious human, you avoided the urge to throw things out of the window. Good on you! We already have enough pollution without contributing more to it with yogurt cups, fruit peels, and fast-food wrappers.

But, do you know there are simple, practical tips to keep your car clean on those long road trips. Wonder no more; we have you covered!

Before the Road Trip

Let’s start by getting the basics right before getting into the car. A clean car is so much more than a lack of trash in the car. Of course, you must ensure the vehicle is in good working order. Plan for a trip to your mechanic and get a full service.

You don’t want the car to break down in the middle of nowhere, right? The horror movies that focus on long, lonely, dark back roads may just come true. Ok, we digress a little, but you get the point.

The next preparation is to clean the car. Yes, you are going on a road trip, so why start with a clean vehicle. But, there is a psychological aspect to it. You will fight harder to keep the car clean if you start with a clean, tidy one. Vacuum up and get rid of any dirt and trash.

In addition, you may want to use expert window cleaning services for one major reason. Visibility is critical on the road. Dirty or improperly cleaned windows can impair your ability to see, especially in the rain or dark. Also, everyone in the car, even the passengers, would want to see the scenic views while traveling. That’s why it’s important to have clean windows before embarking on your journey.

Everyone who gets into the car should have clean shoes. Mud or dust will make the mats dirty. If the weather conditions are muddy, cover the carpets with some plastic. Simply cut up one of the trash bags for this. That way, you avoid muddy prints in the car. When you get to dry places, simply dispose of the dirty plastic.

Pack Like A Road Trip Pro

How to pack like a road trip pro?

Clutter can contribute to the mess. Only carry what you need. Smaller items you can buy along the road should not go into the suitcases. There is no need to have dozens of bottles of water. Yet, these are plentiful at rest stops.

Don’t throw things into the car without any plan. Trunk organizers or containers are fantastic for holding smaller items. Try to leave the sitting area as clear as possible. Only have a small carry bag with the essentials. The rest should go to the trunk, in containers or suitcases.

Don’t forget to pack plenty of trash bags. It will surprise you how much waste you can accumulate in a very short time.

Consider a seat cover, especially when traveling with kids. You don’t even have to buy commercial ones. A throw blanket of a sheet can work just fine. This simple tip makes it easy to catch crumbs and spills. All you need to do is shake out the blanket and put it back on the seat. That way, you keep the car seats clean for the duration of the trip.

Avoid Trash Accumulation in the Car

We can agree that avoiding accumulating trash while on the road is impossible. The important thing is not to let it pile up.

So here is what you should do. Have one trash bag at hand and use it for any waste. That way, you avoid having an unsightly mess in the car at any time.

We can bet you will be making plenty of stops along the way. Gas stations, restaurants and rest stops will have dumpsters you can use. Empty the trash bags every time you stop.

If you want to avoid using too many trash bags, simply dump the contents into the trash container and reuse the bag. Of course, it depends on what was in the bag. Liquid spills or fruit parts can start to smell after some time. In this case, dump the bag and get a new one.

Keep up with simple cleanliness maintenance like every so often shaking the rugs. Do the same for the car windows as well. True, it won’t be at the level of commercial window washing. But you can keep them in pretty decent condition, with some window cleaning solution and a soft cloth.

Gas station attendants can also clean your windshield every time you fill up. Remember, the aim is to have proper visibility at all times.

Everyone Should Contribute To the Cleanliness

Let’s say you are traveling with family and friends. Everyone must be accountable for the car’s cleanliness. And yes, that includes the kids as well.

Teach them to put their entertainment away when not in use. Insist on the use of trash bags and keeping their areas neat and clutter-free.

A good idea is to have all their toys and books in an organizer. The best ones are the type you can hang on the back seat. That way, you don’t have to worry about extra space for a container organizer.

Finally, minimize eating or snacking in the car. True, it can be tricky especially when traveling with kids. But, you will take more bathroom breaks with the little ones. Use that as an opportunity to eat or drink whatever they want.

Final Thoughts

Trash or clutter can make your road trip quite unpleasant. Yet, as we have shared above, there are simple ways to keep the car clean. Pack like a road trip pro, use trash bags and let everyone participate in the cleaning of the car.

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